PWG News
What value do our financial planners offer clients
Expertise, experience, and knowledge: In a highly technical, complex and constantly changing environment the financial planner's expertise and knowledge is crucial in protecting you against certain ri...
Read MoreWhen you retire from a retirement fund and take a lump sum the first R 550 000.00 is tax-free. Or is it?
Should you take a lump sum amount when you retire from a retirement fund the first R550 000.00 could be tax-free.This was increased in in the 2023 budget from the previous R500 000.00 Why do I say R55...
Read MoreNovember is financial literacy month!
We all know what “literacy” means: The ability to read and write.How about “financial literacy”? According to Investopedia: “Financial literacy is the ability to understand and effectively use various...
Read MoreSeptember is wills month!
September is wills month! In the June 2021 newsletter we wrote an article on “Why everybody should have a will”. In this edition, you can read more about wills and important considerations as well as ...
Read MoreDid you know these things had names?
The space between your eyebrows is called a glabella.
The way it smells after the rain is called petrichor.
The plastic or metallic coating at the end of your shoelaces is called an aglet.
The ru...
Read MoreWhat to do after a vehicle accident: A checklist for the unexpected
Immediately after the accident
Stop the car as soon as possible – it is an offence not to do so.
Turn off the engine.
Switch the hazard lights on.
Check for any injuries to yourself or your passen...
Read MoreWhat is the best investment?
I am often asked this question. It is like asking which car is the best? You may have you personal preference but that does not necessarily make it the best car.
The best I can do is to answer as fol...
Read MoreFive trends that will guide the life insurance sector
by Schalk Malan on 22 March 2022 0 Posted in Another Voice
When it comes to the life insurance sector, South Africa has one of the most competitive insurance markets in the world, with a mature, esta...
Read MoreAre you paying unnecessary medical aid late joiner penalties?
A “late joiner” refers to an applicant, or an adult dependant of an applicant who, at the date of application for membership or admission as a dependant, is 35 years of age or older and who was not a ...
Read MoreOn a lighter note...Corporate jargon
Action Item
I am putting this on my to-do list, and I will not get to it for another two weeks.
Best practice
There are faster and more efficient ways to complete this task, but at this company, we...
Read MoreFour trends that will shape the short-term insurance industry in 2022
It is two years into a world ravaged by the Covid-19 pandemic – and just when you thought it was safe to start living a relatively normal life again, along came Omicron. But the new variant is unlikel...
Read MoreThe PWG Group’s services.
We would like to remind you we that offer a “one stop financial services shop.” Our clients like the fact that they have one point of entry (their advisor) but that the advisor has a team of specialis...
Read MoreIt is RA season!
Many taxpayers, especially business owners, pay lump-sum contributions into their Retirement Annuities in February each year to maximise their tax savings.
Reasons why Investing in a Retirement A...
Read MoreWhat does 2022 hold in store for South-Africa?
On the economic front:
According to PWC there is significant uncertainty about South Africa's economic outlook for 2022 and beyond. On the one hand, the country will benefit from a strong global econ...
Read MoreOn a lighter note
Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Sonnet 43 is arguably her best known one. It came to mind when Roché Cowley, a regular contributor to our humour section, recently shared the following with me.What would ...
Read MoreShort-term insurance jargon buster: A handy guide.
Act of GodAny incident that is not man-made, which causes destruction to property and plants/crops, and/or injury or death to animals and people. Examples include earthquakes, storms (rainstorms, hurr...
Read MoreHow would you like to upgrade your brain?
It’s as easy as changing your mind, according to the latest science.|"Every time you try something new, your brain gets to work building new neural connections to use and store the novel information. ...
Read MoreWhat to do after a road accident?
Whether you’re involved in a bumper bashing or a more serious crash; whether you’re a driver, passenger or even an onlooker, a road accident is an upsetting situation in which to find yourself. As soo...
Read MoreHolistic financial planning
At PWG group we have the experience, knowledge, skills, tools and solutions that enable us to do holistic financial planning for our clients. This means that we can advise clients on and provide them ...
Read MoreEconomic prosperity awaits SA on the horizon, says adviser
The next economic boom is around the corner, believes Dr Roelof Botha, economic adviser of Optimum Investment Group.
Read MoreBehavioural tax
It is 2021 and we are all sitting here wondering just what the heck happened last year. None of us could have ever expected 2020 to go the way it did. It was an intense ride of emotions ranging from f...
Read MoreThe average clause in short-term insurance
Contrary to the mundane nature that its name suggests, the 'average clause' is one of the most important insurance terms you need to understand, as it could have a significant impact on the outcome of...
Read MoreThe value that financial advisers add
Let us face it: many of us are reluctant to use a financial adviser to help us with our investments because we are worried about how much they will charge. We wonder if their input is worth the fees w...
Read MoreWhy EVERYBODY should have a will
“Everyone has a Will. You either draft one yourself or the state will draft one for you using the rules of intestate succession” …Shapiro.The COVID-19 pandemic is probably now in the third wave and ve...
Read MoreYour guide to medical aid in South Africa
Whether you have a simple hospital plan or comprehensive cover, medical aid is designed to protect you in the event of illness, or health issues. It’s not always easy to know which plan to choose, let...
Read More
Should I insure my vehicle/s for Retail, Trade or Market Value?
Many people do not understand that you can insure your motor vehicle for different values. The consequences of not knowing enough about the different options can lead to inflated premiums or worse, an...
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Why do wealthy people still buy Life Insurance?
I am often asked “do wealthy people at some stage stop buying life Insurance?”. This is a common misconception; the contrary is true.
Read More
Lump sum disability or income protection?
When we ask clients what their most valued asset is, they usually first think of their house (if they own one) or car. At PWG Group we believe that anybody’s most valued asset is their ability to earn...
Read MoreReassessing the state of retirement savings
We have a new finance minister and hopefully new energy in government. It is time for the legislators to reassess the state of retirement savings in South Africa and chart their own course. The focus ...
Read MoreSouth Africa in for another up-and-down year
It's fair to say this year got off to an eventful start, with the South African Reserve Bank (Sarb) unexpectedly cutting the repo rate by 25 basis points to 6.25%, while lowering 2020 economic growth ...
Read MoreContact Head Office
Phone: 012 993 4533
494 Indiana Ave
Pretoria, South Africa
Contact Short Term Office
Phone: 012 993 4533
498 Indiana Ave
Pretoria, South Africa
About PWG Group
PWG Group designs its financial solutions around the following core principles:
"PWG Group proudly represents all the major players in the Financial Industry in all the various Fields of Insurance."